Ever Hear of Oil Pulling?

The practice of oil pulling helps fight gingivitis, plaque and those nasty germs that cause bad breath.  It  works exceptionally well, in fact,  and makes the teeth nice and white without  having to use the harsh chemicals found in a lot of oral care products.    You can use whatever vegetable oil you prefer, but I like coconut oil for its antibacterial properties.    This type of oil also contains  an antimicrobial agent called, “lauric acid” that helps prevent tooth decay.   

Ayurvedic practitioners use different oils for different body types, so if you know a practitioner, consult with him or her.  Otherwise, use whatever oil you wish. 

Sometimes, I use sesame oil, which I also like a lot.

Ever Hear of Oil Pulling?

How to do oil pulling:

1. Put one or two tablespoons of coconut oil into a small dish, or as much directly into the mouth and skip step #2, because it only takes a few seconds for the solid oil to melt.

2. If you prefer, place the dish containing the oil into a larger one filled with some hot water to quickly liquefy the coconut oil.

3. When the oil is liquified, place it into your mouth…but do not swallow it!  Swish it around in your mouth for around 20 minutes.  I do it while I’m checking my morning email and going over the day’s tasks, because 20 minutes can seem like a VERY long time unless you otherwise occupy your mind.

4. Dispose of the  in a garbage bin.  Do NOT spit into sink unless you want to clog your pipes.

5. Rinse out your mouth with warm water.

6. Brush your teeth.

7. Brush them again.

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