Home Remedies Helps You to Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

A lot of people are prone to lung infections and respiratory problems even though they haven’t lit up a cigarette in their entire lifetime whereas, there are lots of other who have been smoking for years together and still show no signs of lung problems. Well, it all depends on the body of the person, his genetics and of course his lifestyle. Other than smoking, there can be a lot of other reasons that may be causing lung problems. Almost all the time people are not even aware that their lungs may be intoxicated until they suffer from lung problems.

Home Remedies Helps You to purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

As we all know, lungs are one of the most vital organs of the body and they help us to breathe and also provide oxygen to the blood stream. So it’s necessary that we keep our lungs clean and healthy so that the 2 important functions can go on smoothly. Though you may not be smoking, you must remember that there are a lot of pollutants in the air we breathe in that may have polluted the lungs. The harmful toxins, chemical, gases and dust particles that enter into our lungs through the air we breathe in may damage the lungs without our knowledge. So it’s really important to maintain the health of the lungs.

Cleansing the Lungs

A lung cleanse is one of the easiest processes that helps to maintain the health of the respiratory system including the lungs, bronchial passages and other associated organs on a regular basis. This lung cleansing helps to flush out the harmful toxins, organisms, and irritants from the lungs and promote the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Furthermore, this lung detoxification process helps to improve the circulation in the lungs and facilitates easy transport of oxygen within the body. So wondering how to do this amazing lung cleaning regime? It’s quite simple!

You don’t need to go to a doctor for this as you can easily flush out the toxins from your lungs at the comfort of your own home. Yes, we are definitely not kidding! Detoxifying the lungs is a simple home remedy with which you can easily remove the dust and toxins from your lungs within 72 hours. All it takes to do during this lung cleanse is a strong will power, dedication and determination! So here we go!

Step 1: Eliminate Diary products – The first step is to eliminate all the dairy products from your meals. So eliminate the cheese, butter, milk, yogurt, ghee, etc from your diet at least from 2 days before you start your cleansing session. This is an important step because consuming dairy products will only encourage the storage of toxins, and we don’t want that. The milk products will only interfere with the detoxification process so get rid of all the toxins by saying no to milk products for a few days.

Step 2: Go Organic – The next step is to drink plenty of herbal teas and organic teas as and when possible. Drinking these beverages is a sure shot way of detoxifying the body of all the stored up toxins and pollutants. Make sure you drink one cup of this organic tea or herbal tea before going to bed on the night before the first day of your regime. You may experience constipation as the cleaning process starts to detoxify the intestines.

Step 3: Early Morning Lemonade – The morning on the first day of your cleansing regime, drink 300 milliliters of warm water mixed with the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons. Do this before breakfast so that the acidity of the lemons can prepare the stomach to digest the alkalizing foods and to flush out the toxins.

Step 4: Snack with Natural fruit juices: Consume a glass of grapefruit juice or lemon juice for snacks. If you do not like the taste of grapefruit juice you can either dilute it with a bottle of water or even switch it with pineapple juice. These natural fruit juices have plenty of antioxidants in them that act as natural cleansers and aid in getting rid of the toxins from the body. So the trick here is to go natural and drink natural fruit juices so that the natural working of the lungs is not affected. The goodness of these natural juices also promotes a healthy respiratory system.

Step 5: Carrot juice – Next, drink around 300 milliliters of pure carrot juice midway between breakfast and lunch time and this helps to alkalize your blood during the 3 day detoxification process.

Step 6: Follow a proper diet plan – For lunch you can have any balanced meal, but avoid fatty food, fast food, junkies and carbohydrates. Go with simple foods like fruits and vegetables, soups and salads, fish and eggs. Along with this you must consume 400 milliliters of juice rich in potassium. Carrots, spinach, celery and parsley are good sources of potassium. So freshly squeezed juice of any one or all the 4 together can be consumed during lunch.

Potassium is an excellent cleanser and when ingested into the body, it helps to eliminate all the toxins without affecting the lungs. The logic here is to not load your lungs but at the same time free it from all the pollutants and toxins. Potassium also fights the harmful bacteria and prevents the lung from infections.

Step 7: Go berries – The last step is to drink 400 milliliters of fresh cranberry juice or blue berry juice before going to bed at night. Berries are loaded with antioxidants that fight the infection causing bacteria in the lungs and automatically keep the lungs healthy and clean.

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