5 Ways to Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes Fast

5 Ways to Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes Fast

Dark discoloration of the skin under the eye is largely called dark circles. It's also referred to as dark shadows or rings. Some of the chief causes behind the creation of dark circles are genetics, dry skin, aging, prolonged crying, physical or mental stress, unhealthy diet and lack of sleep. Both women and men of various age groups can have dark circles. Dark circles aren't a severe skin problem, but they make people seem tired, exhausted and older. You can simply remove ugly shadows under your eyes using these easy home remedies.

5 Ways To Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes Fast

Here are the top 5 ways to get rid of dark circles fast.

1. Almond Oil

Almond oil is an excellent natural ingredient that's so helpful for the sensitive skin around your eyes. Daily use of almond oil will help fade the under eye circles. Additionally to almond oil, you can apply vitamin E oil to erase dark circles under the eyes.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers have mild astringent and skin-lightening features that help heal those raccoon eyes naturally. Additionally, they have a refreshing and soothing effect.

3. Raw Potato

There are natural bleaching agents in potato that can aid lighten dark circles and eliminate puffiness around the eyes.

4. Rose Water

Rose water holds amazing ingredients for skin care. It restores the skin and has a soothing effect on tired eyes. Thanks to its mild astringent qualities, it also works as a great skin toner.

5. Tomato

Tomatoes also have bleaching features that can lighten skin to a great extent.
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How to Treat Wrinkles Around Mouth

How to Treat Wrinkles Around Mouth

Aging is a natural process. As we reach a certain age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and the skin starts to develop wrinkles. Usually wrinkles develop at the mouth area. Wrinkles can make one look five or ten years older. Aside from aging, other possible causes of wrinkles are excessive sun exposure and limited facial expression. In addition, the most common causes of wrinkles around the mouth area are cigarette smoking, excessive use of straw when drinking and puckering up your lips.

It appears that, there are people who age gracefully. Even at 50 they do not develop wrinkles. Some say that they follow a specific beauty regimen so that they will not develop wrinkles. If you are concerned about your looks and you want to get rid of the wrinkles around the mouth, here are some tips:

How To Treat Wrinkles Around Mouth

Lifestyle Modification

You may do some lifestyle adjustments just in case you are starting to develop line or wrinkles in the mouth area in order to slow it down. If you are not used to wearing sunscreen, better start now. Sun damage can cause wrinkles to develop. There are so many skin products with SPF offered in the market. You can benefit from SPF 15 or greater. SPF can help combat the negative effects of UVA and UVB rays. Quiting from smoking is yet another way to help fight wrinkles. Smoking is harmful not only to the skin but to the other organs as well. Besides, puckering your lips to hold the cigarettes can also increase your likelihood of having permanent grooves around the mouth. Nicotine is the cause of the decreasing of collagen in the skin according to researches.

Homemade Facial Masks

Facial masks are also known to reduce the number of wrinkles around the mouth because it keeps your skin hydrated and plump . Homemade facial masks are easy to make. Using avocado on your face at least twice a week can work wonders. Strawberries can also be used as facial masks. These berries are packed with vitamin c, antioxidants and salicylic acid. They can help improve your skin texture and appearance. It also helps lock in moisture and remove dead skin cells.

Laser Therapy

If you are truly bothered by the wrinkles around your mouth, you can seek medical advice and check if laser treatments will benefit you. There are two types of laser treatments that are used in managing wrinkles. First is known as the ablative laser resurfacing therapy. This type of laser treatment is very intense. More often than not, the recovery time is long and you may need six months to recover. The laser beam destroys the outside layer of the skin or the epidermis. It heats up the dermis, the skin layer below the top skin. This procedure also stimulates the growth of collagen fibers. We all know that collagen help slows down the aging process. The new skin will form as the damaged skin heals. The new skin will appear smoother and tighter than before. With just one treatment, you can see immediate results. Again, the recovery time is longer.

The second type of laser therapy is known as the pulsed light treatment. This one is less intense than the previous laser treatment. It does not harm the uppermost layer of the skin but only warms the dermis. The recovery time for this kind of treatment is shorter.

Wrinkles around the mouth can be very stressful. Thankfully, there are many treatments available today that can help get rid of mouth wrinkles. Consider the above, if you wish to lessen or reduce lines and creases in your lip area.
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Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus can be a chronic problem for many people. It can affect one of more of the toenails and lead to poor appearance of the nails and spreading infection. Toenail fungus can be a particular problem for those with diabetes. Your physician can help you to find remedies for fungus infections of the nails.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus
What Causes Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is caused by microscopic organisms that can grow in dark and damp places. Feet are the perfect breeding ground for fungus organisms because they remain in socks and shoes for long periods of time, away from sunlight and often damp from sweat. Fungus can also be picked up from public areas like swimming pools and locker rooms.

Aging often brings nail fungus problems because nails grow more slowly as people age and have a poorer blood supply. Men acquire nail fungus infections much more often than women do. These infections also tend to run in families.

Home Remedies That Can Work on Yellow and White Toenail Fungus:

Many home remedies have been used for years to inhibit the growth of toenail fungus:
  • Simple household vinegar can be used as a foot soak, with 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. Soak the feet for up to 20 minutes daily.
  • Many people use medicated chest rub applied directly to the toenails daily to stop the fungus growth.
  • Isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen hydroxide applied directly to the affected nails several times a day can also help to clear up the infection.
  • Other people have success with tea tree oil, available at health food stores, to treat the nails.
  • Others try anti-fungal creams and even dandruff shampoos to treat toenail fungus with some success.
Traditional Medical Treatments
  • Before you have laser treatments, your physician may also prescribe a number of other methods that are available for nail fungus. The physician may file the surface of the nail and prescribe topical medications can be applied to the nail over a period of time.
  • Oral medications such as itraconazole can be helpful. Generally, you take this medication for 6 to 12 weeks. It gradually grows a new nail free of fungus and can take up to 4 months to see successful results. An anti-fungal nail lacquer called ciclopirox is also available.
  • This compound is applied to the affected nail and surrounding skin daily for 7 days. Then, it is removed and a fresh coating is applied. It can take up to a year for complete eradication of the fungus.
If the infection is severe and causes chronic pain, surgery may be necessary to remove the nail. A new nail will grow in within a few months.
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Top 7 Causes of Back Acne

Top 7 Causes of Back Acne

It usually returns round age 30, in Case you've had teen acne. I understand, it sucks. This occurrence is typically experienced by every 1 in 5 girls between the ages of 25 and 40. Here a few explanations for why you could be facing grownup back acne and a few thoughts about what you may do about it.

Top Seven Causes of Back Acne

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Back acne in girls will aggravate a couple of weeks or days prior to the beginning of the period. This can be due to the increased quantities of hormones in the blood flow around that time. Menopause at times additionally brings pimples and acne back.

High levels of testosterone in men additionally triggers back acne. Which can be the reason you'll frequently see individuals who lift weights that take lots of medications that add testosterone to the bloodstream will be impacted by this.

2. Worry And Tension

In today's lifestyle, avoiding tension and strain is a challenge by itself. Scientists have found a correlation between stress and acne flareups. Pressure indicates the mind to make higher levels of the hormones 'androgens' and 'cortisol', which stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce increased quantities of oils, thereby clogging pores and causing skin illnesses including back acne.

Having the ability to control your rates of pressure is just another wonderful strategy to remove back acne in the home swiftly as it is something which you can begin commanding right now and you don't have to wait days to get a treatment to start out taking affect in your skin. Some ways I've done this naturally will be to meditate for a few minutes a day also to do a brief yoga routine. It truly does wonders to your skin and general well being.

3. Diet

Our diet today is made up of all kinds of hormone-enriched products, which causes an imbalance in our standard hormone amounts. Consider all those meats along with other products which can be poured with nutritional supplement and abnormal compounds to cause them to become larger, last longer and taste better.

Sugary, dairy product, and a lot of chocolate ingestion may also lead to acne in the face area and back. It is because higher consumption of such foods could cause an imbalance within the body leading to breakouts. It's not very much that chocolate is causing your back acne, but the spike in blood sugar in the body does throw it into an imbalance.

4. Genetics

In case it runs in your family, prepare yourself to handle the brunt of the acne. It is often discovered that individuals having a blood relative that has back acne is genetically predisposed to developing it, and it might likewise continue through maturity. But this doesn't mean you have to have pimples on your back forever. There are various natural back acne treatments that work for folks, aside from genetics or age.

5. Side Effects Of Drugs

You may be causing your acne unknowingly because of some medicine your taking. If you assume a particular medication trips your acne or makes it worse, go through the side effects of the medication and when acne is certainly one of them, ask your physician to prescribe you a distinct medication if at all possible.

There are plenty of drugs that are likely to cause acne in some individuals. It's not a really common complication, but it can occur. One more way to learn if that drug or nutritional supplement is tripping breakouts would be to find out when you began getting acne again, or quit taking it to get a couple weeks afterward getting back on it to see whether that is causing pimples to form.

6. Undiagnosed Medical Conditions

At times, mature back acne is because of an inherent medical complication. Insure your physician constantly chooses appropriate history of your signs and symptoms. After the illness is diagnosed and treatment is commenced, the acne regularly subsides.

This also goes for the food which you eat or any beverages that you have on a regular basis. Record that, should you're feeling that there's something unique once you place it into your body causing your back acne as time goes to find if its the perpetrator and keep your eye on your skin.

7. Artificial Skin Products

Makeup products, oily lotions, and lubricants which are oil-based will lead to the clogging of pores which trips acne. Consistently see the labels in the merchandise you purchase. Be certain that they are oil-free, non-acnegenic, and non-comedogenic. These will help open pores and exfoliate the skin.
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5 Effective Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

5 Effective Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are unaesthetic marks that usually appear in areas with fat deposit, such as abdomen or hips, after a sudden weight loss. Over time they turn from pink or red to white.

There are several ways of getting rid of stretch marks. On one hand, you can opt for laser treatments, which diminish the marks. However, they are quite expensive and the results are influenced by the type of the skin and the ‘age’ of the scars. On the other hand, you can choose from a variety of effective homemade remedies that are much cheaper.

5 Effective Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter helps you combat and prevent the stretch marks. Apply cocoa butter with regularity and you will soon notice that your stretch marks have diminished and your skin is smoother.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a very popular ingredient, used to treat different skin conditions, among which stretch marks. Use Aloe Veera gel on a daily basis, in order to reduce these unaesthetic marks.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has proven to be a very effective element in skin care. In this sense, it also improves the condition of your stretch marks, making them less noticeable. Apply vitamin E or soap with vitamin E content on your skin everyday, in order to have positive effects.

Lavender Oil

This essential oil has been used for a long time in eliminating stretch marks. Apply lavender oil 2-3 times a day and you will soon observe positive results.

Personal remedy

Combine vitamin E with ¼ cup of Aloe Veera and ½ cup of olive oil. Apply the remedy with regularity and you will not only reduce the marks on your skin, but you will also prevent them from appearing again.

Consequently, stretch marks can become a real burden for women who like to be beautiful and have a perfect skin. However, you can reduce their effect by using natural remedies, which are quite cheap, instead of laser treatments which are more expensive and sometimes are not that effective.
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How To Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week

How To Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week

Do you want to achieve that hourglass figure just like your favourite actress? Has a slim waist been your dream, and do you often feel it is something impossible to achieve? Well, this post gives you those superb tips that can help you get a smaller waist; and that too within a week!

Wondering how to get a smaller waist in a week? Read to know!

How To Get A Smaller Waist In Just A Week

1. Alter Your Diet:

Scientific studies conclude that eating whole grains, along with fruits and other vegetables helps you reduce the amount of fat you consume. Consuming whole grains is healthier as they contain no preservatives. This is one of the best ways to get slimmer within a week. Remember that fruits sometimes contain high amounts of sugar and eating too many fruits can be counterproductive.

Doctors say you need to reduce 3,500 calories from your diet to lose one pound. The threshold for healthy weight loss is 2 pounds a week, so don’t starve yourself with fad diets. Eat healthier, not lesser.

2. Drink More Water:

Another important thing to do when trying to lose weight is drinking more water. This helps prevent your body from getting confused between thirst and hunger. To limit the tendency to binge on food, drink more water. It is good for the skin and hair as well.

3. Focus On Quality, And Not On Quantity:

Usually, people who diet tend to not eat anything, as opposed to eating healthy foods that don’t add excess fat or sugar to your body. The secret to dieting is eating more healthy meals, which do not add excess calories to your body.

4. Build Your Chest And Shoulders:

The best way to make something smaller is by making things around it look all big. Similarly, when you exercise your upper curves, i.e. your shoulders and chest, the waist appears slimmer.

You can consider performing shoulder and chest exercises.

5. Clothing:

Another fail-safe way of getting that slim waist is to wear clothes that draw attention to your waist. Wearing a waist belt can be a good way of doing this. Your belt can be wide, jeweled, skinny or braided! When you wear one of them over a dress, they provide the illusion of an hourglass figure, which automatically makes your waist look smaller.

These are just some simple ways on how to get a smaller waist in a week. Please tell us about your own clothing hack or any particular exercise you have used to reduce your waist size. Tell us about your experiences by leaving a comment below.
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10 Weight Loss Rules To Live By

10 Weight Loss Rules To Live By

Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to maintain your ideal weight or if you are currently overweight, these tips will help you significantly shrink your waist size.

10 Weight Loss Rules To Live By

1. Eat More Veggies

Not only are vegies low in calories and packed with nutrients, but they also have a high thermic effect, meaning they use a lot of energy just to digest (particularly if eaten raw or as close to raw as you can manage).

2. Train with challenging weights – in the 6 to 12 reps range

Adding lean muscle (called hypertrophy) is achieved with challenging weights in the rep range of six. Hypertrophy is the process of increasing the number of cells within an organ or tissue (such as muscle tissue), thereby increasing its overall size. If you train with higher reps, you surpass this stage and train your muscles for endurance rather than lean muscle gain.

3. Eat Plenty of Protein

Protein is the building block of muscle tissue (among many other tissues in the body). When you are training hard, you need to ensure you are getting enough protein to aid with recovery and repair of your muscle cells in order to achieve hypertrophy. Protein will also help keep you fuller for longer and it has a thermic effect, meaning that it takes additional energy/calories to digest, so it’s also great for fat loss.

4. Reduce Carb Intake

You can’t burn fat in the presence of insulin and every time you ingest sugars or carbohydrates, your body releases insulin. Yet carbohydrates are beneficial for brain fuel and your body’s preferred energy source, as well as for muscle recovery – so don’t eliminate them. The best time to eat carbohydrates is around your training times – before, and especially after, a challenging workout.

5. Eat Enough Food

One of the biggest mistakes women make is not eating enough to fuel their body and assist with their fat loss and lean muscle gain goals. You need to eat regular meals packed with protein, some complex carbs, lots of vegies and some good fats. Starving yourself is only going to slow down your metabolism and see you gain weight long term, making it harder to get it off and keep it off.

6. Train minimum once a week with weights

Muscle growth occurs through adaptation. You need to stress the muscles often enough to elicit the adaptation response. The muscle gets stronger and bigger due to the stress placed upon it. Training also needs to be challenging.

7. Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Many overlook the importance of sleep, but if you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t function properly and this has two negative outcomes. The first is that you are unable to work to your full potential or hard enough in your training sessions. The second is that when you are tired, it messes with your hormones, making it much harder to resist cravings.

8. Don’t overdo the Cardio

If you want to lower your body fat and gain lean muscle, too much cardio is counter-productive – especially the popular long, slow kind such as long-distance running or cycling. Muscle wastage occurs when performing a lot of long-duration cardio, so instead try two to three short, high-intensity sessions and only add longer, more moderate sessions as a last resort. The aim should always be to do as little cardio as possible if body recomposition is your goal.

9. Hide the Scale

When you change your body recomposition for the better, you add lean muscle weight (while reducing fat weight) so you may not see a huge drop on the scale but you will definitely see it in the mirror and by how your clothes fit.

10. Stay Motivated

Body recomposition takes time – 12 weeks is a great time frame. If you are looking for rapid ‘weight’ loss, you will find yourself losing precious muscle tissue instead of fat. Stick with it and you’ll see results!
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Home Remedies for Anxiety

Home Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety, feeling fearful, worried, angry, or nervous, is a common human emotion. It is uncontrollable and can stem from many other issues such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Common symptoms of anxiety are fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, restlessness, inability to concentrate, sweating, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and dry mouth.

Home Remedies for Anxiety

Home Remedies for Anxiety:

Home remedies are more effective in treating anxiety as they offer long-lasting results without side effects.

1. Almonds

Almonds are rich in zinc and vitamin B12 which help prevent anxiety. This process relaxes you before bed to reduce stress.

  • Soak 10 almonds overnight in water to soften.
  • The next morning, peel off the skin.
  • Blend almonds, 1 cup of warm milk, a pinch of ginger, and a pinch of nutmeg until smooth.
  • Drink regularly before bed for best results to reduce stress.
2. Oil Massage

Message deeply relaxes and calms the body while eliminating toxins, making you feel better both physically and mentally.

  • Use sesame, coconut, sunflower, or corn oil for best results.
  • Warm the oil and rub all over the body, especially the scalp and bottom of the feet.
  • Massage before taking bath in the morning helps to calm down in the day.
  • You can massage before going to bed also.
  • Massage regularly to get relief from anxiety.
3. Baking Soda

Baking soda calms nerves to rid anxiety.

  • Add 1/3 cup of baking soda and 1/3 cup of ginger to warm bath water.
  • Soak for 15 minutes.
  • Shower immediate after.
  • Repeat regularly to get rid of tension.
4. Anti-anxiety Elixir

This integrative elixir balances your overall energy level. Lemon juice reduces blood pressure by strengthening capillaries, ginger calms your stomach, and honey controls blood sugar instability.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and ground ginger, ½ teaspoon of honey.
  • Drink three times daily for best results.
5. Valerian

Valerian is an herbal supplement which reduces anxiety by making you tired. Take one capsule in the evening as you are preparing for bed. Combine valerian with chamomile or lemon balm for added results.

6. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is an old remedy used to relieve stress and anxiety. Take 600 mg of lemon balm in tea or capsule or tincture form daily for best results. Combine lemon balm with chamomile or valerian for added results.

Note: Taking more than 600 mg at a time can cause anxiety.

7. Passion Flower

Passion flower is a sedative herb which helps nervous restlessness and anxiety. It contains beta-carboline harmala alkaloids which elevates happiness-promoting chemicals. Take 45 drops of passion flower extract or a 90 mg tablet daily. Do not consume more than a month.

Note: Do not take sedative herbs while pregnant.

8. Tea

Tea has a calming effect on nerves to rid anxiety. Dried rosemary herbs, chamomile flowers, or green tea are all very effective options for making tea.

  • Steep 1 – 2 teaspoons of your preferred herb in a cup of warm water.
  • Drink regularly twice a day.
  • Add sugar or honey to enhance flavor, if desired.
9. Proper Diet

Diet plays a key role with anxiety. An anxiety attack can be attributed to low blood sugar, therefore eating healthy food can help control anxiety.
  • Eat whole grain foods, seaweed, blueberries, green leafy vegetables, acai berries, maca root, chocolate, walnuts, and almonds.
  • Avoid fried foods, high glycemic carbs, alcohol, unrefined sugars, and coffee.
  • Eat Eggs and bread as a breakfast because they have proteins and natural source of choline (the deficiency of choline causes the anxiety).
  • Eat food that contains omega 3s (fish oil) to prevent depression and anxiety. Eat 2.5 milligrams of omega 3 fatty acids daily for 12 weeks. Foods rich in omega 3s include oily, cold water fish, salmon, anchovies, sardines, and mussels.
  • Eat food containing magnesium, vitamin B12, zinc, and anti-oxidants to control anxiety.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Celery contains large amounts of potassium and folic acid which prevent nervousness. Eat 2 cups of either raw or cooked 2 weeks to prevent anxiety.
Tips to reduce Anxiety:
  • Deep breathing helps rid anxiety. Sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes, and focus on breathing deeply.
  • To help you relax, try yoga, meditation, listening to music, taking a cold bath, or watching movies.
  • Make sure to sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours every night.
  • Write in a dairy every day to help identify what causes stress and anxiety.
  • Exercise is good for health and effectively combats depression and anxiety.
  • Lavender calms your mind and body, instantly relieving anxiety.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking as these increase anxiety.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy helps to control anxiety and stress levels.
  • Make a habit of visualizing everything in a positive way. This helps prevent anxiety.
  • Walking in the forest for 20 minutes helps lower stress hormone levels when compared to walking in urban areas.
  • Sunlight provides essential vitamins to the body. Enjoy the sunshine to wash away anxiety.
  • Learn to manage your time affectively to avoid stress.
  • Plan your day in advance to avoid anxious situations.
  • Take small breaks during the work or school day to calm your mind.
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    Home Remedies Helps You to Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

    Home Remedies Helps You to Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

    A lot of people are prone to lung infections and respiratory problems even though they haven’t lit up a cigarette in their entire lifetime whereas, there are lots of other who have been smoking for years together and still show no signs of lung problems. Well, it all depends on the body of the person, his genetics and of course his lifestyle. Other than smoking, there can be a lot of other reasons that may be causing lung problems. Almost all the time people are not even aware that their lungs may be intoxicated until they suffer from lung problems.

    Home Remedies Helps You to purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours

    As we all know, lungs are one of the most vital organs of the body and they help us to breathe and also provide oxygen to the blood stream. So it’s necessary that we keep our lungs clean and healthy so that the 2 important functions can go on smoothly. Though you may not be smoking, you must remember that there are a lot of pollutants in the air we breathe in that may have polluted the lungs. The harmful toxins, chemical, gases and dust particles that enter into our lungs through the air we breathe in may damage the lungs without our knowledge. So it’s really important to maintain the health of the lungs.

    Cleansing the Lungs

    A lung cleanse is one of the easiest processes that helps to maintain the health of the respiratory system including the lungs, bronchial passages and other associated organs on a regular basis. This lung cleansing helps to flush out the harmful toxins, organisms, and irritants from the lungs and promote the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

    Furthermore, this lung detoxification process helps to improve the circulation in the lungs and facilitates easy transport of oxygen within the body. So wondering how to do this amazing lung cleaning regime? It’s quite simple!

    You don’t need to go to a doctor for this as you can easily flush out the toxins from your lungs at the comfort of your own home. Yes, we are definitely not kidding! Detoxifying the lungs is a simple home remedy with which you can easily remove the dust and toxins from your lungs within 72 hours. All it takes to do during this lung cleanse is a strong will power, dedication and determination! So here we go!

    Step 1: Eliminate Diary products – The first step is to eliminate all the dairy products from your meals. So eliminate the cheese, butter, milk, yogurt, ghee, etc from your diet at least from 2 days before you start your cleansing session. This is an important step because consuming dairy products will only encourage the storage of toxins, and we don’t want that. The milk products will only interfere with the detoxification process so get rid of all the toxins by saying no to milk products for a few days.

    Step 2: Go Organic – The next step is to drink plenty of herbal teas and organic teas as and when possible. Drinking these beverages is a sure shot way of detoxifying the body of all the stored up toxins and pollutants. Make sure you drink one cup of this organic tea or herbal tea before going to bed on the night before the first day of your regime. You may experience constipation as the cleaning process starts to detoxify the intestines.

    Step 3: Early Morning Lemonade – The morning on the first day of your cleansing regime, drink 300 milliliters of warm water mixed with the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons. Do this before breakfast so that the acidity of the lemons can prepare the stomach to digest the alkalizing foods and to flush out the toxins.

    Step 4: Snack with Natural fruit juices: Consume a glass of grapefruit juice or lemon juice for snacks. If you do not like the taste of grapefruit juice you can either dilute it with a bottle of water or even switch it with pineapple juice. These natural fruit juices have plenty of antioxidants in them that act as natural cleansers and aid in getting rid of the toxins from the body. So the trick here is to go natural and drink natural fruit juices so that the natural working of the lungs is not affected. The goodness of these natural juices also promotes a healthy respiratory system.

    Step 5: Carrot juice – Next, drink around 300 milliliters of pure carrot juice midway between breakfast and lunch time and this helps to alkalize your blood during the 3 day detoxification process.

    Step 6: Follow a proper diet plan – For lunch you can have any balanced meal, but avoid fatty food, fast food, junkies and carbohydrates. Go with simple foods like fruits and vegetables, soups and salads, fish and eggs. Along with this you must consume 400 milliliters of juice rich in potassium. Carrots, spinach, celery and parsley are good sources of potassium. So freshly squeezed juice of any one or all the 4 together can be consumed during lunch.

    Potassium is an excellent cleanser and when ingested into the body, it helps to eliminate all the toxins without affecting the lungs. The logic here is to not load your lungs but at the same time free it from all the pollutants and toxins. Potassium also fights the harmful bacteria and prevents the lung from infections.

    Step 7: Go berries – The last step is to drink 400 milliliters of fresh cranberry juice or blue berry juice before going to bed at night. Berries are loaded with antioxidants that fight the infection causing bacteria in the lungs and automatically keep the lungs healthy and clean.
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    Natural Recipe That Kills The Desire For Cigarettes

    Natural Recipe That Kills The Desire For Cigarettes

    Do you belong in the group of people that are die hard smokers, but deep inside you just want to quit them and never smoke again? Well you’re not alone. Most of the people who smoke cigarettes want to quit, but it’s not going easy for them. However, we have found a way to make people give up of this harmful habit.

    Natural Recipe That Kills The Desire For Cigarettes

    Many people who have tried this recipe claim that it really works. There are few simple ingredients that will help to permanently get rid of the need for a cigarette.


    – ½ grapefruit
    – ½ orange
    – 2dl chamomile tea
    – 30g Jojoba Oil
    – 30g olive oil
    – 30g Coconut oil
    – 5g oregano


    Drain the grapefruit and the orange and add the remaining ingredients.

    Mix until you get a homogeneous mixture and then put it into a bottle so you can carry it with you everywhere.

    How to use it:

    Whenever you feel need for a cigarette, apply part of the mixture under the nose or place a small amount of tissue and inhale deeply.
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    How to Prevent Wrinkles by Nixing Habits that Age Your Skin

    How to Prevent Wrinkles by Nixing Habits that Age Your Skin

    One minute you’re casually wondering how to prevent wrinkles, and the next, BAM – you look in the mirror and suddenly find yourself staring at a California raisin. Okay, I’m exaggerating, but only a little. That’s the thing about our daily habits: They’re sneaky and subtle, and much of the time we don’t realize what they’re doing to our skin until it’s already done. This means war.

    Here are 8 everyday habits you should tweak on your quest to prevent wrinkles:

    How to Prevent Wrinkles by Nixing Habits that Age Your Skin

    1. Leaving it vulnerable to pollution

    When mastering how to prevent wrinkles, there are some things you can’t control – like pollution, which decreases oxygen and collagen in your skin and leaves it looking… well, blah. Not only does it mess with your skin tone, but it can leave it looking blotchy and cause breakouts. (Ugh.) Guard your skin with an SPF, wash your face every night before bed, exfoliate twice a week, and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

    2. Over-washing and under-moisturizing

    Washing your face excessively can dry out your skin cells, leaving your complexion dull and highlighting any damaged areas. Don’t wash your face in the morning, as you’ll strip away all the work your body put into restoring your skin while you were asleep – just splash with water and mosey on with your day. When you do wash your face, never skip moisturizing afterward.

    3. Stretching your skin to apply makeup

    This is a tough habit to break, but it’s one of the most important ones to ditch when learning how to prevent wrinkles. It’s no different than a repetitive stress injury messing with your joints: The more you contort your skin to get your makeup just right, the more wrinkles you’ll end up with – like, tomorrow.

    4. Not getting enough sleep

    They call it beauty sleep for a reason! While you’re snoozing away (and hopefully dreaming about Channing Tatum), your skin goes through its renewal process. The less sleep you get, the less time your skin and the beauty products you’re using have to do their thing. In fact, a study by UH Case Medical Center found women who only slept five hours each night for a month had twice as many wrinkles and spots than those who slept for seven hours. Do everything you can to get your zzzzs.

    5. Not drinking enough water

    As we age, our skin gets thinner and drier, making it more necessary than ever to drink enough water to keep it hydrated. Try your best to drink an average of six to eight glasses of water daily.

    6. Drinking from a water bottle/straw

    Similar to how squinting causes fine lines around your eyes, drinking straight from a water bottle or through a straw has the same impact on your mouth. Your facial muscles become overworked and form wrinkles called “puppet lines.” Either pour your drinks into a glass, or find a water bottle that has a glass-sized opening.

    7. Snoozing with your makeup on

    Okay, we’re all guilty of this from time to time, but when you sleep with your makeup on you’re basically saying to wrinkles, “Bring it on.” The makeup, combined with the environmental pollutants that are partying on your skin, seep into your pores and break down your skin’s elasticity. Always wash and moisturize your face before bed. Always.

    8. Neglecting your neck and hands

    Many of us obsess over how to prevent wrinkles on our face and forget about our neck and hands. Since you’re already in the habit of beautifying your face daily, simply add your neck and hands to the roster until your cleaning and moisturizing process for both is second nature. I mean, who wants to look like the crypt keeper?
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    8 Ways to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy

    8 Ways to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy

    Have you ever entered a home that seemed to emanate positivity, happy and relaxed energy? Well here are ideas of how to bring some of those good vibes into your home. For more ideas, check out my Usher In The Good Vibes collection. 

    8 Ways to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy

    Hang a Hamsa

    In many cultures, the hamsa (also called the Hand of Fatima) is believed to provide defense against the evil eye. Hang one on or near your front door--it can't hurt!

    Decorate with Pyrite

    Pyrite is said to create a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants and emotional and physical attacks. Try including a hunk of pyrite on a book shelf or as a paperweight to bring on the positivity and the bling! 

    Burn Sage!

    Throughout history people from many cultures have burned white sage to enhance positive energy, cleanse ones living space and invite protection. It's Latin name salvia -- also means "to heal." Burn dried sage to cleanse a space...

    Spray Sage!

    When you purchase new (or old!) items for your home, spray them with sage spray to cleanse the items of any negative energy the item may carry into your home. 

    Add lucky leaves!

    According to the principles of feng shui, a lucky bamboo plant attracts auspicious chi energy. Try placing one near your front door and bunching multiple sticks together in one vase for even more good vibes.

    Turn on a Himalayan Salt Lamp!

    Salt lamps attract humidity and when heated with an incandescent bulb, it accelerates evaporation, which produces negative ions which combats air pollutants. I know -- it's all science-y, but basically, they're really good for you.  And, if that's not enough,  the light produced by the lamps is said to increase relaxation, and decrease stress.

    Burn Frankincense

    Frankincense promotes calm and peace. It’s used to relieve stress and anxiety. Use the incense sticks or the essential oils, too.

    Add Jasmine

    The smell of jasmine is thought to help with matters of love and friendship, and can help to bring out peoples inner-beauty. I love the Dyptique home scent, but try using jasmine in stick or essential oil form as well.
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