Homemade Natural Remedies for Long and Strong Nails

I know many women that have problems with nail growth. If you want long nails, you need strong nails. There are a lot of natural methods designed for nail growth and strengthening them.

In order to have long and strong nails, you have to pay more attention to your nutrition.

Homemade Natural Remedies for Long and Strong Nails

For long and strong nails you have to eat:
  • Natural sources of iron: meet, liver, nuts, dried fruits, vegetable with green leaves ( spinach, parsley etc)
  • Natural sources of  zinc: Nuts, root vegetables (parsnips, celery), garlic,  whole grains, chicken / turkey, seafood
  • Natural sources of Vitamin A, B, C: soybeans, whole grains, broccoli, cauliflower, banana, which are rich in biotin.
  • Natural sources of essential fat acids: flax seeds, fish, nuts, extra virgin olive oil.

1. Natural treatment with orange juice for long and strong nails

Keep your hand in orange juice for 10 minutes. Orange juice is rich in folic acid. Folic acid is great for nail and hair growth.

2. Natural treatment with oils for long and strong nails

– Prepare a mixture with 20 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 2 spoons of almond oil. Massage daily your cuticles with this mixture.

– Massage your cuticles with extra virgin oil. Is is a great remedy for nail growth

– Prepare a mixture with 10 drops of tea tree oil and 2 spoons of almond oil. Massage your nails with these oils

– Mix 10 teaspoons of grape seed oil with 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 4 drops of rosemary essential oil and 2 drops of mint essential oil. You can keep the mixture in dark glass recipients.

3. Natural treatment with beeswax for long and strong nails

Mix 5 grams of  melted beeswax with one egg yolk and one spoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your nails and leave it to action overnight.

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