My Morning Elixir

My Morning Elixir

This lemon, chia, and apple cider vinegar drink is how I start each morning! My morning elixir has lots of health benefits, but most important to me, it gets me in a healthy mindset for the day.

Here is what drinking this drink every morning has done for me:

My Morning Elixir

Helped my chronic heartburn. I had a rough pregnancy with a lot of vomiting—my esophagus hasn’t healed from it (and I’m not sure it ever will), and I get a lot of heartburn. On days when I drink this drink? No heartburn. When I skip it? Holy heartburn hotel. Seems counterintuitive considering two of the ingredients are acid, doesn’t it? Many folks believe that heartburn and acid reflux are actually caused by your stomach having too little acid instead of having too much.

Kickstarts my metabolism. When I skip my morning elixir, I can go hours without feeling hungry. Like full on skip breakfast, forget to eat, bad for you kind of un-hungry. When I get up in the morning and drink this? Within 15 minutes or so, my tummy’s all like “Alright, kid. That was awesome. Lets have more healthy food!”

My skin is awesomer. I’ve never had great skin, not bad, but not the glowing, fresh, healthy skin you see from truly healthy folks. It never bugged me until I started to show some signs of aging. The more wrinkles and grey hair I got, the more I wanted my skin to feel healthy. It’s my subtle way of saying to the world, “Hey, I may be getting older, but I’m still healthy and bonkers awesome.” When I drink this stuff? My skin actually has a glow to it. I’m not going to be on the cover of any magazine anytime soon, but I can see and feel the difference. And that’s all that matters.

Gets me in a healthy mindset. This is my favorite benefit! This is all psychosomatic, and that’s why it’s such a huge win. When I get up in the morning and make time to make my elixir and drink it, it’s like a switch flips in my brain. Today will be a healthy day. Because I drank my elixir. When I start the day with a healthy decision, it makes it easier to make more healthy decisions. Health begets health. Even if you don’t want to do the full elixir, just getting up and drinking a glass of water in the morning will give you the same mind trick!

Now, there are a ton of other benefits listed out there if you just Google “benefits of lemon water” or “benefits of apple cider vinegar” or “benefits of chia seeds”. But that list up there is what I really notice from drinking this personally. And those changes are impactful enough for me, that I want to share my elixir with you!

Before I dig into the “recipe” (it isn’t really), I do want to give you a few notes on ingredients. Some things to keep in mind when shopping for your ingredients:

Apple Cider Vinegar: You’re looking for raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. I use Bragg’s (affiliate link) because it’s readily available—they sell it at my regular grocery store in the salad dressing/vinegar aisle. You want to avoid using the regular apple cider vinegar that has been filtered and pasteurized (the clear stuff). The healthy enzymes and bacteria from fermentation are good for you, and filtering and pasteurizing the vinegar removes those.

Lemons: I choose to use organic lemons, because I figure that if I’m drinking something for my health, avoiding as many pesticides as possible is a good idea. I use half of a lemon in the morning in my elixir, and then I usually squeeze the other have over a salad at lunch.

Chia Seeds: One of the great things about chia seeds being so popular—you can get them almost anywhere now! You want whole chia seeds, and either white or black will work.

Water: If you’re really anti-added chemicals, you’ll want to use purified or filtered water. I personally just use warm tap water. There are lots of different articles out there about the temperature of water you should drink, and it seem there are advantages and disadvantages to just about every temp range. I personally use warm water, because I’m almost always chilled when I get out of warm bed and head to the cold kitchen!

When I first started drinking it, I’d add about a teaspoon of raw local honey (lots of health benefits to that, too!), and then slowly stepped the honey down. Now I drink it without sweetener, and I love it. To your health, my friends!


- 1 tablespoon whole chia seeds
- Juice fo ½ lemon
- 1 tablespoon raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
- 1½ cups warm water


- Mix all the ingredients together. Let rest for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the chia seeds have formed a gel. Drink up!
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This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever

This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever

Many women face the problem with unwanted hair on the face, which can be very annoying and   problem for their confidence. Therefore, those women use many options such as waxing, bleaching or even shaving to get rid of the unwanted hair. Laser is also an option, but not everyone can afford it. Luckily, there is a natural solution to this problem, which women in the Middle East have used it for centuries. It is very effective and you can do it at home.

It is a mixture which not only removes the hair, but it also soothes the skin and makes your skin look healthy and shiny. The components of the mixture are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Every woman should pay enough attention to skin care because skin is the largest organ of the body and what you put on your skin goes directly into the bloodstream.

This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever


- 1 tbsp of oats porridge
- 2 tbsp of lemon juice
- 3 tbsp of honey


Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on the area where you want to remove hair. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash it with warm water. Afterwards, apply face cream. You should repeat this procedure 2-3 in a week. After a month, you will be surprised by the results. The hair will disappear completely.
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Natural Botox for Wrinkles: Homemade Recipe

Natural Botox for Wrinkles: Homemade Recipe

You shouldn’t spend your money on any sort of creams to get rid of wrinkles . You have in your own kitchen three simple and natural ingredients that will help you get rid of wrinkles in a natural way as possible and in a very short time. 

Natural Botox for Wrinkles: Homemade Recipe

Ingredients needed:

– Half a banana
– 3 teaspoons of yogurt
– 1 tablespoon of honey


Mash banana after you baked it for 10-15 minutes. Mix the crushed banana with yogurt and honey until you get a smooth paste. Apply it on face and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face after with warm water first, then with cold water.

Bananas are rich in nutrients, which are very useful for the skin. The substances that are found in yogurt are effective for stretching the skin while honey will provide the required hydration. This mask suits all skin types and can be used daily, until you notice an improvement.

The results will not be seen in a day or two – this is a natural mask and its effect is usually slower than cosmetic products which are bombarded with chemical elements. If you use this mask every day, we assure you that after three weeks you will be surprised by the result.

You can use this recipe after a day on the beach, as it will soothe and hydrate the sunburned skin and will stop the exfoliation process.
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Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

We all pay attention to the wrinkles around our eyes and neck but we mustn’t forget our mouth. They could formed be from years of laughter, or stress or generally life, but fine lines start appearing around our mouth when we’re 30 years or older.

Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

Other causes of wrinkles forming around our mouth could be due to smoking and exposure to the sun without sunscreen and wind. If you have dry skin, wrinkles could form faster due to dehydrated skin. All you have to do to combat this is to prepare a cream with calendula, beeswax and olive oil at home.

The ingredients that you will require are 200 grams of beeswax, 750 ml of olive oil and fresh marigold flowers. Take all three ingredients and let them boil in a vessel of water for around 1 – 2 minutes. Just a note of caution, the marigold flowers should be completely dry before boiling them. Let the mixture rest overnight, and then just reheat & package them into containers the next morning. Using this homemade cream daily on your problem areas for at least a period of two weeks will greatly reduce your mouth wrinkles.
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Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Homemade Oil

Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Homemade Oil

Stretch Marks are formed as a result of swift stretching of skin or weight changes. They can be commonly seen on waist, lower back, breasts, thighs, arms, buttocks and hips. In the middle layer (dermis) of the skin, stretch marks start developing when the connective tissue is stretched due to the expansion and contraction of skin resulting in the formation of a fine scar.

The following are useful home remedies to treat stretch marks.

Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Homemade Oil

1) Warm olive oil and rub gently on the affected area. This improves blood circulation and stretch marks will get reduced.

2) Apply coconut oil and massage for 15 minutes.

3) Mix equal quantities of Lavender Oil, Almond Oil, and Chamomile Oil and apply on stretch marks.

4) Tea Tree Oil has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Massage gently with Tea Tree oil regularly.

5) Cocoa butter softens and smoothens thereby breaking the scar tissue of the stretch mark.

6) Vitamin-E oil is a wonderful therapeutic stretch mark treatment.
Improving Skin’s elasticity and strength is the best way to avoid the formation of stretch marks.
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Ever Hear of Oil Pulling?

Ever Hear of Oil Pulling?

The practice of oil pulling helps fight gingivitis, plaque and those nasty germs that cause bad breath.  It  works exceptionally well, in fact,  and makes the teeth nice and white without  having to use the harsh chemicals found in a lot of oral care products.    You can use whatever vegetable oil you prefer, but I like coconut oil for its antibacterial properties.    This type of oil also contains  an antimicrobial agent called, “lauric acid” that helps prevent tooth decay.   

Ayurvedic practitioners use different oils for different body types, so if you know a practitioner, consult with him or her.  Otherwise, use whatever oil you wish. 

Sometimes, I use sesame oil, which I also like a lot.

Ever Hear of Oil Pulling?

How to do oil pulling:

1. Put one or two tablespoons of coconut oil into a small dish, or as much directly into the mouth and skip step #2, because it only takes a few seconds for the solid oil to melt.

2. If you prefer, place the dish containing the oil into a larger one filled with some hot water to quickly liquefy the coconut oil.

3. When the oil is liquified, place it into your mouth…but do not swallow it!  Swish it around in your mouth for around 20 minutes.  I do it while I’m checking my morning email and going over the day’s tasks, because 20 minutes can seem like a VERY long time unless you otherwise occupy your mind.

4. Dispose of the  in a garbage bin.  Do NOT spit into sink unless you want to clog your pipes.

5. Rinse out your mouth with warm water.

6. Brush your teeth.

7. Brush them again.

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How to Reduce Pore Size

How to Reduce Pore Size

Large pores can be quite upsetting. They make your skin look imperfect, dull and unsmooth. Though, pore size is genetic, it is possible to reduce their appearance. They may vary depending on the type of skin you have. Aging, sun damage, improper hygiene, use of bad/low quality products and cosmetics can make your pores bigger in size.

Luckily, you don’t have to suffer for the rest of your life with large pores. The following remedies will help you fight the problem of enlarged pores and reduce pore size.

How to Reduce Pore Size

Cleansing to Reduce Pore Size


Cleansing skin is the first step in preventing enlarged pores, breakouts and irritation while maintaining the integrity of the skin’s structure. Always cleanse the skin first thing in the morning to remove dead skin cells and embedded oil. A bar soap, cleansing gel, or cleansing oil works to remove pore clogging residue, keeping the complexion clean and supple while minimizing the occurrence of enlarged pores.


Steaming the facial skin is a wonderful way to open up the pores and remove the dirt and debris that is clogging them. For a do-it-at home steam session, place your head over a pot of hot water with a towel draped over the head and the shoulders. Be careful to avoid hot water burns. Steam the facial skin for five to ten minutes. Follow with a light moisturizer.

Baking Soda Exfoliation for Large Pores

To close large pores, mix two tablespoon of baking soda to a cup of warm water. Apply this baking soda toner on nose, chin and forehead to remove dead skin cells and get clear and closed pores.

Salt and Buttermilk

Buttermilk has lactic acid, which is a skin exfoliant, and hence great for treating dead skin cells and grime that could be trapped inside large pores. Take buttermilk and add some salt to this. Mix to form a paste and rub on the affected area for a few minutes. Leave it on for fifteen minutes after this. Rinse off with water. This will help in keeping the skin free of dirt and excess oils.

Ice Cubes

Ice cubes are excellent for shrinking the pores and they are an instant remedy that can be used before you use your makeup. This will help in leaving the skin smooth looking and also prevent the makeup from entering the pores and cause problems like acne and infections.

Take an ice cube and after washing your face thoroughly, rub it all over your face and neck for a few minutes. Ice cubes will constrict the blood vessels and pores and will give an even looking and less porous skin before you apply makeup. This can be done every time after you wash and clean your face so that dirt and grime do not enter the large pores.

Tomato Toner

Tomato paste or juice can help to cure large pores problem in a fast way. Tomato has excellent astringent qualities, which help to eliminate extra oil and shrink the apparent size of large skin pores. Place the paste or juice of tomato on your face for 20 minutes and wash off.

Other Home Remedies to Reduce Pore Size

Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal (when used as a face mask) is an effective and natural way to fight the problem of huge pores. Since oatmeal is known to be hypoallergenic, it does not clog pores. Make a mask containing oatmeal, honey, apple cider vinegar to minimize pores, tighten skin and enhance your skin complexion.


Honey is famous for its medicinal, cosmetic and healing properties which makes it a favorite among most people. It can be used on the skin for natural toning and closing of the pores and also reducing the excessive oiliness of the skin which is among the main factors for open pores in the first place.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural toner with astringent qualities that can be used for closing large pres. Apply a diluted solution of apple cider vinegar after cleansing your face and wiping it thoroughly. Allow it to air dry before applying makeup.

Egg White

Egg whites work as natural dryers of the skin and thus they greatly help in shrinking the pores and helping with the problem of open pores. They are excellent to lighten the skin and also help in unclogging the pores as they pull out the impurities from the pores.

Fuller’s Earth

Take two tablespoons of fuller’s earth and mix it with one tablespoon of honey and milk. Combine all these ingredients properly. Apply it all over your face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes with cold water. This will nourish your skin, and lessen the open pores.

Tea Tree Oil to Shrink Pores

Tea tree oil is a powerful home remedy to fight oily skin, acne and shrink the large and open pores. To unclog pores, mix 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil in one cup of water. Pour the lotion in a clean spray bottle. Spray this versatile toner over your face twice a day. Clean your face of any impurity or make up before applying the toner. You can also use cotton to apply this natural toner to shrink large pores.


Take one tablespoon each of sandalwood and turmeric powder and add a few drops of almond oil to it. Make a paste of all three ingredients and apply gently over your face and around the neck. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash your face with cold water. It will revitalize your skin and minimize the occurrence of open pores to a great extent.

Papaya Mask

To tighten the big pores, you can try papaya face mask. It will help to shrink the facial skin pores. Make a smooth paste of raw papaya and gently scrub your skin in circular motions. Let it sit on your face for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Rose Water- Cucumber Juice

Mix a few drops of rose water in cucumber juice and dab it on your face, and rinse after 15-20 minutes. This will lessen your open pores. Moreover, silica in cucumber improves the skin texture and gives you a fair complexion.

Almond Meal

Applying almond meal to your skin helps refine pores and diminishes their appearance. Make your own almond meal by pulsing 1/3 cup almonds in a blender until you achieve a powdered consistency, or purchase almond meal at well-stocked supermarkets and natural health stores. Combine two parts almond meal to one part water to create a thick paste, and spread gently over enlarged pores in an even layer. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes, rinse with tepid water and pat your skin dry. Repeat the treatment two to three times a week for the best results.

Sugar and Olive Oil Scrub

Take 2 tablespoon of sugar; add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients and gently rub on your face for 20 to 30 seconds. Clean it with cool water. For better results, use this remedy once in a week.

WARNING: Don’t Pick!

When your pores are clogged, there is nothing harder to fight off than the desire to pick and poke and prod. Just don’t! When you are pulling and squeezing your skin, you can cause trauma to your pores which can leave them permanently enlarged. Plus, you’re adding dirt and oil from your hands to the mix which can cause breakouts and infection. Let the products work for you.
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